Friday, June 1, 2012

Another goal accomplished: Each child in their own bed!

Following completion of the toilet block at CAROSS, the 5PM team began to consider another project, and thanks to the generous donations, we still had money left, as well as a willing foreman in Mr. Solmann.

We'd long notices that the the children's sleeping accommodations at the Accra Psychiatric Hospital were less than ideal. As there were no proper beds or mattresses, the children were often cold and prone to sickness - a situation we wanted to remedy.
With that in mind, we decided to provide each of the kids with their own bed and mattresses as well as a general cleaning and fresh coat of paint for the bedrooms.

With some advise from Mr. Solmann, we decided to go for it! At least....with the painting. It seemed that new beds and mattresses would exceed our budget, and with our time in Ghana coming to a close, we had little time for fund raising or to collect materials. However, Mr. Solmann's boss (at his day job) heard about the work at CAROSS, and decided to take care of all the costs concerning the beds and mattresses!

Last month, 24 brand new, custom build beds, including mattresses were delivered to the Children's ward. And before that, the rooms were painted in a lovely see blue colour. The children realized quickly that their sleeping conditions had changed, and were very excited they entered their new rooms for the first time!

We, the 5 PM team, would like to say a big, big thanks to Mr. Nuama for his big financial contribution which made much of this possible! Second of all, we would like to thank Mr. Solmann for making all of this happen! Thanks to his effort, hard work and vision, we were able to obtain our goals!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

BEFORE and AFTER - 5PM Projects

Before - On the GROUND
After - At the TABLE

Before - Cement FLOOR, no practical STORAGE
After - Foam Puzzle PLAY MAT
After - SHELVING for classroom resources
Before - KITCHEN
After - Kitchen COUNTER
After - SHELVING for practical storage
After - Resources organized in BOXES
Before - Shoes for SOME
After - Shoes for ALL
Before - Storage room
After - SHELVING, resources organized in BOXES w/ labels
Before - NO school boundaries; NOT safe!
After - School plot enclosed w/ WALLS and GATE; SAFE for kids!
Before - NO Sanitary Facilities at CAROSS
After - TOILET and SHOWER facility; Wheelchair accessible!
We cannot express our gratitude and appreciation enough to all of you who are making it possible for us to do our work at both the School (CAROSS) as well as the Children's Ward of the Accra Psychiatric Hospital. Thanks to YOU we have been able to complete many practical projects. You also helped us provide educational resources, personal hygiene items and healthy snacks for the kids on a daily basis. MEDASI !!!!!!    (= Thank You in the local Akan language)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"A Day in the Life"

"Good Morning Everyone!"
Sharing a Laugh
Snack Time
Kofi Moses: "Let's go for a Walk!"
Enjoying the Breeze
Sticking Together

Monday, September 26, 2011

5PM Fundraising

Family Koopmans representing :)
Fundraising in NL - September 11th

5PM enjoyed another successful fundraising event at a flea market in "het FEC," Leeuwarden.  Supported by the Groenwold and Koopmans family, we sold quite a few "Made in Ghana" products, with proceeds going to our next project for the children of the Accra Psychiatric Hospital in Accra. Thanks to everyone who has purchased an item from us that day, as every euro will make a difference.

Chris working his sales techniques.

Donation of durable Toys! - September 20th

Ambi Toys and Fisher Price are known for their durability
5PM is pleased to announce a wonderful donation of durable, long lasting toys. Some of the dedicated followers and supporters of 5PM have taken the time to collect an educational and fun selection of toys that are built to last!

Thanks for all of the Euros that came from our friends and family in the Netherlands!
- 5PM

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Start on the Hygiene Program!

Carol drying Joe after his shower.

Gifty getting dressed.

Since the completion of the Sanitary Facility in late July we've started our Hygiene Program with the CAROSS children on a daily basis.This includes showering, dressing, grooming skills (such as brushing teeth) and toilet training.
Bathing time for Yeboah and Gifty!

Currently the school is enjoying their summer break. We look forward to the new school year beginning in September so that the new facility can be integrated in the daily teaching programs. For now we, 5PM and Carol (a wonderful volunteer from Germany), are getting a head start on the hygiene program, introducing small groups of children to it on a daily basis.
In times without running water we go back to the bucket :-)
The children have all had different reactions, however they are enjoying the new experience!

This smile says it all!

Akoko selected her own outfit, looking good!
The kids enjoy the lotion, and it helps with their dry skin.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sanitation Facility and Gate COMPLETED!

Front view of the gate.. Notice the ramp for wheelchair accessibility.

Back view of the wall and gate. Notice the spikes on the wall for safety.

The Toilet and Shower Facility. Notice the design blocks for ventilation and durability.
We used Coral oil paint so that we can wash the walls to keep it clean.
Wash basin; wheel chair accessible. Drawers for storage.
Accessible Toilet. Notice elevation seat and handrail.
Accessible shower. Seat not pictured.
3 Urinals (only 2 pictured). Notice shelf for hygiene supplies.
Large wash basin with three taps. Notice towel rack.
A spacious room with a toilet, shower and wash basin combination.
The shower, incl. a rim to prevent the water from spilling on the floor.
Staff toilet, incl. a wash basin pictured below.
Wash basin with long neck tap.